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Electronic transformer to open the era of technology upgrades

Author: Group-Tek. Electronic Technology Co., Ltdissuing time:2017-05-05 17:09:15Pageviews:473smallinBig

The global electronic product penetration rate further improved, China\'s electronic transformer production accounts for more than 20% of the global total, to further adapt to market demand, local m...
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The global electronic product penetration rate further improved, China's electronic transformer production accounts for more than 20% of the global total, to further adapt to market demand, local manufacturers to step up the development of new products. Looking ahead, electronic transformers will be high frequency, low power consumption, chip and other aspects of development. The following are the same as the "
In recent years, the electronic transformer industry to adapt to the market economy and supporting the needs of the operating mechanism has been a big change. Industry Association statistics show that private enterprises accounted for about 50% of the electronic transformer industry. At present, China's electronic transformer market is basically in a stable state, because the electronic transformer is labor-intensive products, China's labor costs are relatively low, the industry has not been a greater impact, but exports have been further growth. Last year, China's electronic transformer exports close to 1.2 billion, an increase of 2.66%. The following are the same as the "
Electronic transformer is a large volume of electronic products, heavy weight one of the accessories, in order to meet the miniaturization of electronic products development needs, the market will promote the electronic transformer products to the development of light and small direction, more importantly, with the machine performance Change, will drive the electronic transformer products to high frequency, low loss, surface mount and new materials, new structure of the new transformer direction. The following are the same as the "
China's electronic transformer products are still dozens of traditional production of traditional products, still with silicon steel, ferrite, enameled wire, plastic skeleton as the main raw materials and parts. In order to support new electronic products, in recent years the introduction of R-core technology, the development of the R-type transformer, and further improve the quality of electronic transformers. The following are the same as the "
Now the domestic production of electronic transformers accounted for more than 20% of global output, China has become the main international market supply base. With the increasingly fierce competition in the international market, in order to reduce costs, will further promote the scale of transformer production, the formation of economies of scale to meet the more intense market competition. The following are the same as the "
In this regard, electronic transformer enterprises will be in the future development of technological progress in the road. The traditional old products despite the market, there are production, but the profit margins are small, it is impossible to form a strong competitive edge, the main profit point of the transformer is a new generation of high-end products, passive integration technology, the rapid rise of micro-chip Machine products a comprehensive upgrade for the transformer enterprises to provide a leap-forward development of the technical entry point. The following are the same as the "
At the beginning of the 21st century, the development trend of electronic transformer industry, such as power ferrite materials, soft magnetic alloy materials, amorphous crystalline magnetic materials, nano-alloy magnetic materials, piezoelectric ceramics, nano-insulation materials have made fruitful development, which is Electronic transformer industry technology to create a good condition, electronic transformers will be miniaturization with the needs of the machine, to high frequency, low loss, chip direction.
2017-05-05 473People browsing Back

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